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. 2014 Apr 22;6:78. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2014.00078

Table 2.

Linear mixed effects regression results showing annual rate of change (slope) and rank-order based on effect size.

Variable Type N N* Progression group
LRT Rank
Control Low Medium High
Putamen Imaging 1206 2845 −0.0407*** −0.0900*** −0.1122*** −0.1119*** 714.38*** 1
Caudate Imaging 1207 2846 −0.0331** −0.0769*** −0.1028*** −0.1192*** 515.33*** 2
Accumbens Imaging 1207 2846 −0.0264 −0.0279 −0.0853*** −0.1110*** 417.38*** 3
CSF Imaging 1205 2840 0.0511*** 0.0804** 0.1021*** 0.0978*** 223.19*** 11
Lobar gray Imaging 1175 2768 −0.0874*** −0.1220** −0.1293*** −0.1523*** 125.23*** 19
Hippocampus Imaging 1206 2845 −0.0337** −0.0275 −0.0626** −0.0910*** 98.33*** 23
Lobar white Imaging 1149 2680 0.0223 0.021 0.0122 −0.0220*** 63.73*** 29
Thalamus Imaging 1204 2843 −0.0327* −0.0217 −0.0362 −0.0487 18.69** 39
TMS Motor 1308 6077 0.0016 0.0332 0.0933*** 0.2397*** 415.75*** 4
Chorea Motor 1310 6124 0.0028 0.0395 0.0935*** 0.2430*** 332.72*** 5
Brady Motor 1308 6102 −0.003 0.0297 0.0790*** 0.2063*** 331.14*** 6
Ocular Motor 1309 6124 0.0008 0.0097 0.0683*** 0.1397*** 293.61*** 8
Dystonia Motor 1310 6130 −0.0009 0.0295 0.0524* 0.1698*** 114.56*** 21
Rigidity Motor 1310 6127 0.0203 0.0406 0.028 0.0744*** 38.58** 36
SDMT Cognitive 1230 5252 0.0287** −0.0012** −0.0336*** −0.0800*** 303.63*** 7
Dysrhythmia Cognitive 969 2270 −0.0107 −0.0089 0.0468* 0.1279*** 236.60*** 9
Stroop-Co Cognitive 1228 5246 0.0327*** 0.0103 −0.0284*** −0.0811*** 234.50*** 10
Stroop-Wo Cognitive 1228 5255 0.0056 −0.0201* −0.0416*** −0.0986*** 222.97*** 12
Sp-Tapping Cognitive 975 2278 0.0046 0.038 0.0629** 0.1476*** 214.97*** 13
Smell-ID Cognitive 1212 3745 0.0004 −0.0372* −0.0559*** −0.1283*** 189.31*** 14
TMT-B Cognitive 1221 3875 −0.02 0.0112 0.0188* 0.0878*** 178.52*** 15
Stroop-In Cognitive 1228 5245 0.0452*** 0.0252 0.0068** −0.0468*** 172.69*** 16
EmoRec Cognitive 978 2300 0.0342 0.049 0.0466 −0.0302** 163.05*** 17
TMT-A Cognitive 1223 3905 −0.0385* 0.0024* 0.0199** 0.1048*** 141.71*** 18
TFC Functional 1308 6140 −0.0184 −0.0443 −0.0870*** −0.2093*** 124.03*** 20
ECog-C Functional 795 1599 −0.0172 0.0469* 0.0576** 0.1074*** 68.24*** 26
ECog-P Functional 899 1928 −0.0228 0.0292* 0.0117 0.0408** 50.05** 32
FAS Functional 1052 4160 −0.0071 −0.0417 −0.0692* −0.1688*** 43.20*** 35
WHODAS-C Functional 708 1254 0.0105 0.0597 0.0859* 0.1193*** 37.56** 37
WHODAS-P Functional 769 1499 0.0199 0.0691 0.0522 0.0328 33.04** 38
S-OC-C Psychiatric 1236 5392 −0.0293* 0.0027 0.0175** 0.0649*** 100.54*** 22
F-Exc-C Psychiatric 1235 5288 −0.0226 −0.0036 0.0288** 0.0705*** 97.95*** 24
F-Apa-C Psychiatric 1235 5288 −0.0158 0.0131 0.0346** 0.0706*** 80.71*** 25
S-GSI-C Psychiatric 1237 5395 −0.0398*** −0.0096 −0.0016* 0.0404*** 66.53*** 27
S-Dep-C Psychiatric 1236 5392 −0.0391** −0.0054 −0.0048* 0.0352*** 65.15*** 28
S-Anx-C Psychiatric 1237 5393 −0.0339** −0.01 −0.0031* 0.0345*** 53.14*** 30
BDI Psychiatric 1042 4120 −0.0063 −0.0044 −0.04 0.0191 52.88** 31
F-Dis-C Psychiatric 1235 5288 −0.0219 0.0137* 0.0295*** 0.0575*** 49.57*** 33
S-Hos-C Psychiatric 1236 5392 −0.0256* −0.0208 −0.0063 0.0166** 46.45** 34

Imaging variables adjusted for baseline intra-cranial volume. N, sample size; N*, number of data points; LRT, likelihood ratio test statistic; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. Control p-value is a test against a zero slope and a CAP group p-value is a test against the Control slope. Progression Group (CAP group) is defined at study entry (CAPe). Progression Group columns show the standardized annual rate of change (slope). Rank (last column) is based on the likelihood ratio test statistic. CSF, cerebral spinal fluid; TMS, total motor score; Brady, bradykinesia; SDMT, Symbol Digit Modalities Test; Stroop-Co, Stroop Color and Word Test – color condition; Stroop-Wo, Stroop Color and Word Test – word condition; SP-Tapping, speeded tapping; Smell-ID, University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (UPSIT); TMT-B, Trail Making Test, Part B; Stroop-In, Stroop Color and Word Test – interference condition; EmoRec, emotion recognition test; TMT-A, Trail Making Test, Part A; TFC, total functional capacity; ECog-C, Everyday Cognition Rating Scale – Companion Rating Scale; ECog-P, Everyday Cognition Rating Scale – Participant Rating Scale; FAS, functional activity scale; WHODAS-C, World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule – companion rating scale; WHODAS-P, World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule – participant rating scale; S-OC-C, Symptom Checklist 90–obsessive-compulsive scale – companion rating scale; F-Exc-C, Frontal Systems Behavioral Scale – executive subscale – companion rating scale; F-Apa-C, Frontal Systems Behavioral Scale – apathy subscale – companion rating scale; S-GSI-C, Symptom Checklist 90 – Global Severity Index – companion rating scale; S-Dep-C, Symptom Checklist 90 – depression subscale – companion rating scale; S-Anx-C, Symptom Checklist 90 – anxiety subscale – companion rating scale; BDI, Beck Depression Inventory–II; F-Dis-C, Frontal Systems Behavioral Rating Scale – disinhibition subscale – companion rating scale; S-Hos-C, Symptom Checklist 90 – hostility subscale – companion rating scale.