A) Example traces of light-evoked (1 ms, 5 mW·mm
−2; blue line) IPSCs recorded from neurons in the external segment of the globus pallidus (GPe;
Vhold = −70 mV) in
Adora2a-Cre;Ai32 mice, which express ChR2-EYFP in indirect-pathway SPNs. GPe boundaries were identified using the strong EYFP fluorescence of iSPN axonal terminals. Slices were incubated for at least 30 min in ACSF (
left, black) or in a cocktail of 10 μM SKF 89976A and 50 μM SNAP-5114 (
right, green). Pre-incubations and recordings were performed in the continued presence of each drug, in addition to
CGP55845 (5 μM), NBQX (10 μM) and R-CPP (10 μM). (
B) Amplitude normalized traces from (
A) shown on an expanded time scale to reveal the slow decay kinetics of IPSCs in the presence of GAT antagonists. (
C) The peak amplitude of striatopallidal oIPSCs did not significantly differ (p=0.7; Mann–Whitney test) between slices bathed in ACSF (black; n = 11 GPe neurons) and slices chronically incubated in GAT blockers (green; n = 16 GPe neurons), indicating that this pharmacological manipulation does not inhibit synaptic transmission at ‘classical’ GABAergic synapses. Mean (±SEM) shown in red. (
D) Representative traces of light-evoked (1 ms, 5 mW·mm
−2; blue lines) DA release in the dorsal striatum of
Slc6a3-ires-Cre;Ai32 measured by carbon-fiber amperometry. Pharmacological conditions are identical to those in (
C). Stimulation artifacts are blanked for clarity. (
E) Peak extracellular DA concentration measured in dorsal striatum slices incubated in ACSF (black; n = 9 slices) or in GAT antagonists (green; n = 14 slices). Population means (±SEM in red) did not differ significantly (p=0.09; Mann–Whitney test).