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. 2014 Feb 26;26(Suppl 1):47–55. doi: 10.1093/intqhc/mzu016

Table 4.

Compliance with evidence-based organization of care pathway recommendations for obstetric deliveries and hip fracturea

Item n (%), full compliance Average country range (%)
Obstetric deliveries (n = 72)
 1.A structured, accurate record of all events during the antenatal childbirth and postnatal periods is maintained for every woman and child 66 (91.6) 58.3–100.0
 2. All women who have epidural analgesia or an operative delivery have their pain assessed using a pain assessment tool approved by the hospital 42 (58.3) 8.3–100.0
 3. There is prompt access to ultrasound facilities with trained staff 72 (100) 100.0–100.0
 4. There is a procedure that guarantees that all women who are identified in the screening program as at risk of rhesus disease are properly managed 44 (61.1) 25.0–100.0
 5. Each woman receives one-to-one midwifery care from a trained midwife during established labor and childbirth 63 (87.5) 0.0–100.0
 6. Epidural analgesia is available at all times 61 (84.7) 58.3–100.0
 7. Adult intensive care facilities and specialist medical back-up are available onsite 70 (97.2) 90.9–100.0
 8. Patient monitoring equipment and clinical expertise in its management are available within the obstetric unit 71 (98.6) 91.7–100.0
 9. There is a system in place to ensure that anesthetic and theater services respond within 30 min to obstetric emergencies and expedite delivery in the event of maternal or fetal compromise 69 (95.8) 83.3–100.0
 10. All babies are clinically examined prior to discharge from hospital and/or within 72 h of birth by a suitably qualified healthcare professional 71 (98.6) 90.9–100.0
 Overall score, mean (SD) 3.7 (0.3)
Hip fracture (n = 74)
 1. The guidelines require that medical staff assess patients suspected of having a fractured hip within 1 h of arrival in the emergency department or of the incident if the patient was already in hospital 27 (36.4) 0.0–75.0
 2. The guidelines require a multidisciplinary assessment plan and individual goals for rehabilitation to be documented within 24 h postoperatively 16 (21.6) 0.0–75.0
 3. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is immediately available if hip fracture is suspected, despite negative plain X-rays 40 (54.0) 0.0–100.0
 4. The guidelines require that all patients presenting with a fragility (pathological) fracture are managed on a ward with routine access to orthogeriatric medical support 14 (18.9) 0.0–75.0
 5. Whenever clinically appropriate, surgery is performed within 48 h of admission 45 (60.8) 33.3–100.0
 6. Guidelines require that all patients undergoing hip fracture surgery receive antibiotic prophylaxis 51 (68.9) 0.0–100.0
 7. Guidelines require that, if the patient's overall medical condition allows, mobilization begins within 24 h postoperatively 28 (37.8) 0.0–75.0
 Overall score, mean (SD) 2.3 (1.0)

aMinimum–maximum percentage of fully compliant hospitals by country used to determine country range.