Figure 11. Effect of hypoxia on nucleus tractus solitarius glutamate receptor protein expression.
A, sample Western blots of NMDAR and AMPAR subunit protein expression and phosphorylation state from nucleus tractus solitarius samples isolated from CON rats or rats treated with CSH for 7 days. Each glutamate receptor subunit protein blot is paired with a GAPDH protein blot (below the respective glutamate protein) from the same gel. B, summary of fold-change in protein expressions from (A) normalized to GAPDH protein expression in the same samples. Data are means ± s.e.m. from three separate experiments for each antibody. The expression of all proteins was examined on each blot by stripping bound antibodies with stripping buffer and re-probing. *Significant difference between CSH and CON samples (P < 0.05).