Fig. 7. Tregs are necessary for priming and alveolar macrophage IL-10 production.
Primed Foxp3gfp mice (control) and primed Foxp3DTR (Treg depleted) were assessed for body weight relative to baseline (A), BAL total protein (B), BAL neutrophils (C), or histological damage (D) by H&E staining (x2x magnification) at days 1 or 5 after i.t. LPS injury. All mice received i.p. DT injections (15 μg/kg) on days −2, −1, and +2 when harvested at day 5. (E) At day 1 after i.t. LPS, we determined intracellular production of IL-10 among F4-80+ BAL macrophages by flow cytometry. Values expressed as mean ± SEM, as well as individual values in E; *paired t-test against other primed group at same time point, p<0.05, (n=4-6 animals per group per time point)