Table 3.
Model fitting results for tests of presence of latent phenotypes
Model | −2LL | DF | LRT | ΔDF | p | BIC |
ACE Cholesky | 29711.99 | 12108 | NA | NA | NA | −48197.50 |
Higher Order IP Model | 29769.62 | 12170 | 57.63 | 62 | .63 | −48538.81 |
Higher Order IP-CP Model | 29772.65 | 12176 | 60.66 | 68 | .72 | −48574.39 |
Higher Order CP Model | 29780.60 | 12179 | 68.61 | 71 | .56 | −48585.74 |
−2LL = Negative 2 Log-Likelihood, DF = Degrees of Freedom, LRT = Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square Value; p = Significance of the LRT; BIC = Bayesian Information Criterion; IP = Independent Pathways Model; IP-CP = Combined Independent and Common Pathways Model; CP = Common Pathways Model. All models are tested against the fit of the ACE Cholesky. The common environment is estimated as a Cholesky in all models.