X-band pulsed EPR measurements on the disemiquinoid forms of nNOS.
Left, X-band echo-detected pulse field swept spectra. The approximate field positions of the PELDOR pump and detection pulses are shown. Recorded at 80 K using a soft pulse spin echo sequence π/2-τ-π-τ-acquire with π/2 = 60 ns and τ = 800 ns. Middle, X-band 2-pulse spin echo decay measurements taken at the detection field (see left panel). Recorded at 80 K using a hard pulse spin echo sequence π/2-τ-π-τ-acquire with π/2 = 16 ns and τ = starting at 200 ns and incrementing in 8-ns steps. Right, refocused echo modulation patterns arising from the X-band PELDOR experiments. See “Materials and Methods” for the experimental parameters. Data were not baseline corrected. A, nNOSred; B, nNOSred + NADP+; C, nNOSred + CaM; D, nNOSred + CaM + NADP+; E, R1400E nNOSred + CaM + NADP+; F, full-length nNOS; G, full-length nNOS + CaM.