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. 2014 Feb 24;289(17):11916–11926. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M113.533695



nra-2(Δ) lowers the proportion of MEC-10(d) present in the ER. A–H, representative examples of distribution of MEC-10d::GFP relative to compartment reporters for endosomes (EEA-1 antibody (Ab) staining (WT (A) and nra-2(Δ) (B)), SQV-8 mAb staining (WT (C) and nra-2(Δ) (D), LysoTracker staining (WT E and nra-2(Δ) (F), and ER Tracker staining (WT G and nra-2(Δ) (H). Thresholded images were measured for colocalization of red organelle marker with green MEC-10(D)::GFP. Scale bar: 3 μm. I, quantification of MEC-10(d)::GFP accumulation in subcellular compartments. Deconvolved thresholded images were measured for colocalization using MetaMorph. Error bars, S.E. n > 20. *, p < 0.05, Student's t test. J, quantification of ER area/cell. Deconvolved thresholded stacks were measured for total ER-associated fluorescence using MetaMorph. Error bars, S.E. n > 25. p = 0.633 by unpaired two-tailed t test.