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. 2013;6(3-4):174–181.

Table 3.

Recommendations for Active Tuberculosis Treatment in Pregnant Women

Regimen (regardless of HIV status) INH, RIF or rifabutin, and EMB × 2 mo Followed by: INH and RIF or rifabutin × 4–7 moa Pyridoxine supplementation Pyridoxine supplementation INH, RIF, pyrazinamide, and EMB × 2 mo Followed by: INH and RIF × 4 moa Pyridoxine supplementation
Dosing frequency Daily Daily; 3× wk allowed with DOTS
Monitoring Monthly hepatic panels
Newborn assessment After active TB ruled out, new-born should receive INH × 6 mo, followed by BCG vaccine
Other recommendations Vitamin K administration to newborn if mother taking RIF to decrease risk of neonatal hemorrhage

aVaries based on drug resistance and anatomic location of TB infection (central nervous system, bone, joint involvement may require longer treatment). BCG, Bacillus Calmette-Guérin; CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; DOTS, directly observed treatment strategy; EMB, ethambutol; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; INH, isonicotinylhydrazine; TB, tuberculosis; RIF, rifampin; WHO, World Health Organization.