The IC50 value and the effect of satraplatin on CRC cells. (A) Table showing the IC50 value of satraplatin in a panel of CRC cell lines. (B) HCT116 (wt, p53−/−, and p21−/−), LoVowt, HT29mut, HCT15mut, and WiDrmut cell lines were treated with 0–50 μmol/L satraplatin, and the effect of satraplatin on DNA synthesis inhibition was determined by a BrdU incorporation assay at 24 and 72 h. At higher concentrations, all cells demonstrated about 90% inhibition, which indicates the optimal activity of satraplatin in CRC cells. (C) DNA synthesis was inhibited at least 50% by treatment with 10 μmol/L satraplatin, whereas a different pattern of inhibition was observed with 5 μmol/L satraplatin. The percentage of DNA synthesis inhibition was defined as the optimal density at a given drug concentration divided by the optimal density for untreated control cells multiplied by 100. Each point is the average of two independent trials; data are presented as the mean±standard deviation.