Figure 2.
TLR2 blockade reduces and stabilizes advanced atherosclerotic plaques in the brachiocephalic artery. (A and B) Movat's staining showed the composition of advanced lesions from saline-, IgG-, and TLR2ab-treated and TLR2-deficient groups. The arrows indicate erosion of the media. The scale bars represents 200 μm in Panel A and 50 μm in Panel B. TLR2ab administration for 18 weeks and TLR2 deficiency significantly reduced the mean lesion area (C), maximum lesion stenosis (D), maximum necrotic cores/plaque (E), and minimum media thickness (F) in ApoE-deficient mice. L, lumen; M, media. The data are shown as the mean±SEM (n=10 mice/group). bP<0.05 vs the saline-treated group.