Oct-1, not Oct-2, binds to the octamer element by electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA and gel supershift). (a) The EMSA assay for octamer motif binding factor located in the promoter region of the VH4-59 gene in HeLa S3 cells. 41-bp DNA fragment: upstream VH4-59 gene with the octamer motif; 33-bp DNA fragment: 41-bp DNA fragment with an 8-bp deletion in the octamer motif; 33-bp fragment: negative control. (b) Supershift assay for octamer motif binding factor with the addition of anti-Oct-1 or anti-Oct-2 antibody in the binding reaction system. The results are representative of three independent experiments. EMSA, electrophoretic mobility shift assay; Oct-1, octamer-related protein-1; Oct-2, octamer-related protein-2.