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. 2014 Mar 19;38(2):451–460. doi: 10.1007/s00266-014-0293-7

Table 2.

Significant differences on the 9-item Eyelash Satisfaction Questionnaire (ESQ-9) by time period between the bimatoprost and vehicle groups

Item Question Study 1 Study 2
Time period significanta P value Time period significanta P value
1 Length satisfaction Months 2–5 <0.001 Months 2–5 ≤0.006
2 Fullness/thickness satisfaction Months 2–5 ≤0.002 Months 2–5 ≤0.035
3 Overall satisfaction Months 2–5 <0.001 Months 4–5 ≤0.006
4 Time applying mascara None ≥0.335 None ≥0.312
5 Time removing mascara None ≥0.058 None ≥0.295
6 Hassle with eyelashes None ≥0.070 None ≥0.189
7 Feel confident about looksb Months 2–5 ≤0.028 Month 4 0.044
8 Feel confident in appearanceb Months 4–5 ≤0.007 Month 4 0.014
9 Feel attractiveb Months 4–5 ≤0.004 Months 2–4 ≤0.050
LFOS Domain 1 (questions 1–3) Months 2–5 ≤0.001 Months 2–5 ≤0.017
CAP Domain 2 (questions 7–9) Months 4–5 <0.001 Month 4 0.019
DR Domain 3 (questions 4–6) None ≥0.317 None ≥0.123

LFOS length, fullness, and overall satisfaction, CAP confidence, attractiveness, and professionalism, DR daily routine; ESQ-9 nine-item Eyelash Satisfaction Questionnaire

aAssessments were made at baseline and at months 1, 2, 4, and 5. Time period column shows the months at which significant differences favoring bimatoprost versus vehicle were observed

bQuestions were asked in the context of appearance without the use of mascara