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. 2014 Apr;9(2):157–167.

Table 2.

Electromyographical (EMG) activity of the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus expressed as % of maximum voluntary contraction (MVIC) during selected exercises, as reported in the literature

Hip Strengthening Exercise Range of % MVIC Gluteus Medius Range of % MVIC Gluteus Maximus
Sidelying Hip Abduction 21,23,24 42‐81 39‐51
Sidelying Clam Shell21,23 38‐67 34‐53
Bridge – Double Limb25 28 25
Bridge – Single Limb21,25 47‐55 40‐54
Prone Hip Extension21 46 59
Quadruped arm/lower extremity lift25 42 56
Side Bridge21,25 74‐103 21‐71
Standing Hip Abduction24 33 NT
Lateral Step‐up21,25 43‐59 29‐63

NT = Not tested