Figure 6. Reported nTREs are dispensable for repression of the MYH7 promoter by T3/TR.
(A) Schematic representation of the rat MYH7 promoter and reported nTREs. Transcription start site is indicated as +1. The reported nTREs in the rat MYH7 gene (upper panel) and their corresponding sequences of the human MYH7 gene (middle panel) are indicated as upper case bold letters. In MYH7-mnTRE-CAT, the putative four nTREs corresponding to those in the rat MYH7 gene were mutated (lower panel). (B) and (C) Reported nTREs were not essential for repression of the MYH7 promoter by T3/TR. Under the same conditions as those described in Figure 4A, CV-1 cells were transfected with 2.0 µg of MYH7-CAT or MYH7-mnTRE-CAT in the presence or absence of 10 nM (B) or 1 µM T3 (C). CAT activity was measured under the same conditions as in Figure 4A. The expression level of pCMV–CAT was adjusted to a value of 100. The results are means ± S.D. for three independent experiments. **, P<0.01; ***, P<0.005 of T3 (−) vs. T3 (+). ##, P<0.01 of MYH7-CAT vs. MYH7-mnTRE-CAT.