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FIG. 8.

FIG. 8.

TBP binding to TATA box is a prerequisite for recruitment of Pol II by Gcn4p. ChIP analysis of TBP1-myc strains (A) HQY382 (gcn4Δ), HQY366 (WT), and HQY692 (ΔTATA) and of RPB3-myc strains (B) HQY422 (gcn4Δ), HQY403 (WT), and HQY693 (ΔTATA) was conducted as described in the legend to Fig. 1. The ratio percent IP (GCN4/gcn4Δ) values were calculated (as defined in Fig. 1) for the ARG1TATA probe, and the average results obtained from two independent cultures and two PCR amplifications for each culture were plotted in the histogram (C) with standard errors shown as error bars.