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. 2014 Apr 29;348:g2659. doi: 10.1136/bmj.g2659

Table 1.

 Age standardized baseline characteristics of 2258 women in the Nurses’ Health Study and 1840 men in the Health Professional Follow-up Study by fifths of fiber intake after initial myocardial infarction (MI). Values are percentages unless stated otherwise

Characteristics Women Men
Lowest fifth Third fifth Highest fifth Lowest fifth Third fifth Highest fifth
No of participants 433 437 457 367 373 358
Mean (SD) post-MI fiber intake* 12.4 (2.0) 19.2 (0.8) 28.7 (4.4) 16.0 (2.4) 24.4 (1.0) 37.0 (5.8)
Mean (SD) pre-MI fiber intake† 14.0 (4.6) 17.5 (4.6) 22.2 (6.6) 17.3 (4.9) 22.3 (5.6) 27.8 (8.3)
Mean (SD) change from before to after MI‡ −1.6 (4.5) 1.7 (4.5) 6.5 (6.7) −1.3 (4.6) 2.1 (5.6) 9.2 (9.0)
Mean (SD) age at diagnosis (years)§ 64.5 (8.8) 64.9 (8.5) 65.1 (8.2) 65.8 (9.5) 66.1 (8.9) 66.1 (8.9)
Mean (SD) body mass index (kg/m2) 26.3 (5.4) 27.6 (6.2) 26.3 (5.2) 26.4 (3.7) 26.1 (3.6) 25.6 (3.7)
Mean (SD) physical activity (MET h/wk) 9.4 (13.5) 13.4(18.4) 20.1 (20.8) 25.9 (33.6) 37.0 (54.0) 40.4 (35.0)
Smoking status:
 Never smoker 25 30 38 28 36 41
 Former smoker 51 61 58 54 52 47
 Current smoker 24 9 4 9 4 1
Married 64 69 69 85 90 88
Diabetes 19 27 24 13 13 15
High blood pressure 67 74 70 59 58 50
Increased cholesterol level 71 80 79 68 63 64
Aspirin use 61 62 64 78 82 81
Lipid lowering drug use 42 50 55 48 57 50
CABGS 53 53 63 70 76 74
Reproductive factors:
 Premenopause 5 4 4 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
 Past PMH user 29 29 28 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
 Current PMH user 57 57 64 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Dietary intake:
 Mean (SD) total energy (kcal/d) 1619 (538) 1637 (526) 1592 (518) 1878 (620) 1946 (646) 1925 (621)
 Mean (SD) saturated fat (% of energy) 11.1 (3.2) 9.2 (2.3) 7.0 (2.1) 10.8 (3.0) 8.8 (2.4) 6.1 (2.0)
 Mean (SD) n-3 fatty acids (% of energy) 0.7 (0.3) 0.7 (0.3) 0.8 (0.4) 0.7 (0.5) 0.7 (0.3) 0.9 (0.6)
 Mean (SD) trans fatty acid (% of energy) 1.8 (0.8) 1.5 (0.5) 1.0 (0.5) 1.8 (0.8) 1.5 (0.6) 0.9 (0.5)
 Mean (SD) alcohol (g/d) 6.0 (12.8) 4.3 (9.1) 2.9 (5.4) 13.4 (17.1) 9.1 (12.3) 6.3 (10.3)
 Mean (SD) folate (μg/d) 389 (229) 488 (262) 613 (294) 542 (318) 699 (331) 874 (449)
 Mean (SD) cereal fiber (g/d) 4.0 (1.7) 5.9 (2.2) 8.4 (4.0) 5.3 (2.1) 7.8 (2.8) 11.2 (4.8)
 Mean (SD) fruit fiber (g/d) 1.3 (0.6) 4.0 (0.4) 8.7 (2.6) 1.8 (0.7) 5.1 (0.5) 11.4 (3.5)
 Mean (SD) legume fiber (g/d) 0.2 (0.1) 1.0 (0.1) 3.4 (1.6) 0.4 (0.3) 1.7 (0.2) 5.3 (2.1)
Clinical characteristics:
 Heart failure Not available Not available Not available 8 9 8
 Received acute therapy during hospital stay Not available Not available Not available 34 34 36
 Anterior MI Not available Not available Not available 39 48 45
 ST elevation MI Not available Not available Not available 42 40 43
 Normal left ventricular ejection fraction Not available Not available Not available 84 80 80

Nutrients were energy adjusted.

MET=metabolic equivalent task; CABGS=coronary artery bypass surgery; PMH=postmenopausal hormone use.

*Baseline diet factors are taken from participant’s first post-MI food frequency questionnaire; Lifestyle factors are taken from corresponding questionnaire by date of first post-MI food frequency questionnaire.

†Pre-MI diet is taken from participant’s most recent food frequency questionnaire before initial MI onset.

‡Change of diet from pre-MI to post-MI is calculated as change=(post-MI diet−pre-MI diet).

§Age is not age standardized.