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. 2014 Mar 5;16(3):e15344. doi: 10.5812/ircmj.15344

Table 1. Adulterants Found in Eight Analyzed Herbal Weight Loss Products.

Name of Products Quantitative Adulterants, Dose (mg/capsule or mg/pill) Component
Herbaceous Essence Sibutramine 30 Caffeine
Phenolphthalein 1167 Pseudoephedrine
Bumetanide 2.3 -
phenytoin 0.1 -
Magic Slim Sibutramine 6 Caffeine
Phenolphthalein 233.8 -
Bumetanide 2 -
Green Lean Super Slim Sibutramine 15 -
Bumetanide 3.8 -
Original Super Slim Sibutramine 78 -
Phenolphthalein 825 -
Fast Slim Sibutramine 57 -
Fat Loss Sibutramine 46 Amfepramone
Bumetanide 0.82 -
phenytoin 0.86 -
- - -
Mobic Bumetanide 1.6 Caffeine
- - Theobromine
Shangaya HG - - Caffeine
- - Theobromine