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. 2013 Oct 2;108(8):997–1008. doi: 10.1590/0074-0276130369

TABLE I.  Environmental models selected after the application of multi-model selection criteria to account for the geographic variation in morphological diversity (MDiv) and species richness (SR).

Model 1
Model 2
Environmental variables b p   b p   b p
Potential evapotranspiration - - 0.024 0.105 0.154 0.000
Mean annual temperature 0.477 0.000 0.467 0.000 - -
Mean altitude 0.141 0.000 0.139 0.000 - -
Mean precipitation - - - - -0.295 0.000
Actual evapotranspiration - - - - - -
Colwell’s precipitation predictability index 0.163 0.000 0.173 0.000 - -
Mean standard deviation altitude 0.098 0.000 0.109 0.000 0.103 0.000
Coefficient of variation in temperature - - - - -0.392 0.000
Coefficient of variation in precipitation 0.025 0.008 - - -0.197 0.000
Number of ecoregions -0.065 0.000 -0.068 0.000 - -
Distance of each cell in the grid map to major rivers -0.126 0.000 -0.124 0.000 -0.108 0.000
Deserts and xeric shrublands -0.242 0.000 -0.240 0.000 -0.226 0.000
Flooded grasslands and savannas 0.370 0.002 0.364 0.003 -0.264 0.132
Mediterranean forests, woodlands and scrub 0.105 0.423 0.140 0.287 -0.840 0.000
Montane grasslands and shrublands -0.093 0.355 -0.079 0.427 -0.436 0.000
Temperate broadleaf and mixed forests -0.962 0.000 -0.968 0.000 -0.623 0.000
Temperate conifer forests -0.855 0.000 -0.877 0.000 -0.663 0.000
Temperate grasslands, savannas and shrublands -0.503 0.000 -0.498 0.000 -0.268 0.000
Tropical and subtropical grasslands savannas and shrublands 0.200 0.000 0.199 0.000 0.741 0.000
Tropical and subtropical coniferous forests -0.319 0.000 -0.322 0.000 -0.505 0.000
Tropical and subtropical dry broadleaf forests 0.019 0.756 0.025 0.685 -0.127 0.136
Tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests 0.317 0.000 0.316 0.000 0.092 0.018

R 2 0.73 0.73 0.46

b : estimated beta regression coefficients; p : probability level; R 2 : coefficient of determination of the whole model adjusted by degrees of freedom.