Figure 4.
A small subset of the PGP9.5 and Tuj1-labeled population express markers of the cell cycle. Sections from adult, wildtype mice are stained with anti-PGP9.5, Tuj1, and cell cycle markers. A–C: Tuj1-labeled cells at the base of the neuronal layer also show heavy expression of PGP9.5 on occasion (white arrow), although the vast majority of basally situated, Tuj1-labeled cells are only very lightly labeled for PGP9.5 (black arrows). D–F: Of the basal-most Tujl-labeled cells, a large percentage of them express PCNA, a marker of S-phase (white arrows). G–I: The basally located, lightly labeled, PGP9.5-positive cells also coexpress PCNA frequently (white arrows). J–L: Additionally, a large number of the light PGP9.5-labeled cells coexpress Ki67, a broad marker for cells in the mitotic cycle (white arrows). The arrowheads mark the basal lamina in all figures. A magenta-green version of this figure is available online as Supporting Information Figure 1. Scale bar = 20 μm.