Figure 1. Locations of the study sites sampled with imaging technology (ROVs, manned submersible, towed camera systems) and trawling.
A-B.B = Algero-Balearic Basin (W. Med.), A.S = Anton Dohrn Seamount, B.C = Blanes Canyon (NW Med.), C.C = Cascais Canyon, C.S = Condor Seamount, Calabrian Slope & Basin = C.S&B, Crete-Rhodes Ridge = C.R.R, D&E.C = Dangeard & Explorer Canyons, D.M = Darwin Mounds, G.L.C = Gulf of Lion canyons (NW Med.), G.L = Gulf of Lion, G.C = Guilvinec Canyon, H.B = Hatton Bank, H.IV = HAUSGARTEN, station IV, J.S = Josephine Seamount, L.C = Lisbon Canyon, N.C = Nazaré Canyon, N.C-G = North Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone, N-E.F.C = North-East Faroe-Shetland Channel, N.F.C = North Faroe-Shetland Channel, N.W = Norwegian margin, P.D.M = Pen Duick Alpha/Beta Mound, R.B = Rockall Bank, Ros.B = Rosemary Bank, S.C = Setúbal Canyon, S.C-G = South Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone, W.C = Whittard Canyon, W.M.S = Western Mediterranean slope, W-T.R = Wyville-Thomson Ridge.