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. 2013 Jun 11;8(8):e25059. doi: 10.4161/psb.25059

Table 7. Expression of U.maydis genes involved in GPI-anchor synthesis during Arabidopsis infection.

Identity Homolog gene Function Process FB2 Uid1
1 dpi 2 dpi 4 dpi 8 dpi 1 dpi 2 dpi 4 dpi 8 dpi
um00213 GPI1 Modified of PI with GlcNAc (GPI-GnT complex) Synthesis of GPI anchor from PI - - - - 3.4 up 3.2 up 2.6 up 2.5 up
um00302 GPI12 Deacetylation - 2.0 up - - 2.5 up 2.0 up 2.0 up -
um11347 GPI14 Transfer of mannose 2.9 up 4.5 up 3.3 up 4.1 up - - 2.0 up 2.4 up
um05554 GPI18 Transfer of mannose 2.4 up 2.9 up 2.6 up 2.3 up - - - -
um05709 GPI8   Catalytic site - - - - 2.3 up 2.0 up - -
um01565 GPI17 2.3 up 2.5 up 2.9 up 2.2 up - - - -
um04859 PER1 Removal of acyl group of GPI-anchor Lipid Remodeling 4.5 down 3.9 down 4.3 down 3.9 down - - - -
um03003 GUP1 Lipid remodeling with longer fatty acids 5.3 up 4.1 up 4.9 up 4.5 up 2.8 up 2.9 up 3.0 up 3.1 up