(a) Flow cytometric analysis of frequency and absolute numbers of splenic Lin–CD117+CD127+ ILCs from Thy-1-disparate chimeric Rag1–/– mice treated with control (ctrl) (n = 7) or anti-Thy.1.2 antibodies (n = 7). (b) Frequency and absolute numbers of splenic IgG3E+IgG3Ilo B cells, IgG3EhiIgG3I+ plasmablasts (PBs) and IgG3E–IgG3Ihi plasma cells (PCs) from Ctrl or ILC-depleted mice obtained as in (a). E, extracellular; I, intracellular. (c,d) ELISA of pre-immune total (c) and PC-reactive (d) serum IgG3 from Ctrl or ILC-depleted mice obtained as in (a). (e,f) Frequency and absolute numbers of splenic Lin– CD117+CD127+ ILCs (e) and IgG3-expressing splenic B cells, PBs and PCs (f) from ILC+ (n = 3) or ILC– (n = 3) bone marrow chimeric mice. (g) Pre-immune total serum IgG3 from ILC+ (n = 4) and ILC– (n = 3) mice, age-matched Rorc+/+ mice (n = 10), and Rorc–/– mice (n = 5). Error bars, s.d.; *P <0.05 (one-tailed unpaired Student's t test). Data show one of four experiments with similar results (a,b,e,f: cytograms) or summarize results from 3-10 animals per each group (a,b,e,f: bars; c,d,g).