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. 2014 Mar 7;75(3):363–373. doi: 10.1002/ana.24113

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Preliminary analysis of potential windows of human spinal stem cell (HSSC) biological activity in Subjects 10 to 12. To identify the most biologically active period of the injected HSSCs, postsurgery data points for Group E subjects were divided into a series of 9-month windows, beginning each month postsurgery, and slopes were calculated across each window. Slopes were also calculated using Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale-Revised (ALSFRS-R) data points for the presurgical window. (A) The top panel demonstrates ALSFRS-R scores for Group E subjects during the presurgical period (green) and representative ranges associated with the various sliding postsurgical 9-month windows (dark blue). The bottom panel demonstrates the slopes obtained for each sliding window, with the x-axis corresponding to the first month for each 9-month window (ie, window 1 corresponds to months 1–10 postsurgery, window 2 corresponds to months 2–11 postsurgery, window 3 corresponds to months 3–12 postsurgery, etc). The first plotted slope for each subject corresponds to their presurgical progression rate. Slope values higher than the presurgical slope at baseline represent improved or attenuated progression rates during the designated window. Note that the starting month of the final sliding window for each patient coincides with the dates of the second surgery, which occur at 17.5, 19, and 16.6 months after the initial Cohort C surgery (time 0) for Subjects 10, 11, and 12, respectively. (B) The presurgical slope and postsurgical slopes associated with the window correlating to the peak benefit windows for both the lumbar and cervical postsurgery time frames are summarized.