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. 2014 Apr 24;8:249. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00249

Table 1.

MNI coordinates of seeds.

Seeds Left hemisphere Right hemisphere
x y z z-score x y z z-score
OP −24 −98 −6 4.36 26 −98 −6 4.90
pLOC −40 −78 −10 5.07 46 −70 −8 3.55
FFG* −44 −58 −20 3.32 40 −64 −20 3.17
TPJ −50 −40 22 5.20 50 −40 22 NA
IPS −24 −66 46 4.28 32 −56 44 4.44
PCG/IFG −42 4 26 5.43 46 4 28 3.58
Insula −30 20 −4 4.28 28 24 −4 5.83

ROIs, Regions of Interest; OP, Occipital Pole; pLOC, posterior Lateral Occipital Complex; FFG, Fusiform Gyrus; TPJ, Temporo-Parietal Junction; IPS, IntraParietal Sulcus; PCG/IFG, PreCentral Gyrus/Inferior Frontal Gyrus. *Derived from a sub-cluster within the pLOC cluster.