Figure 10.
Testing the control law with a predictive term, . (a,d) Typical time course of the beetle's angular velocity ωb (grey line), the error angular velocity ωe and the prey's angular velocity ωp (both black lines). Data are from the chase shown in figure 6a. (b) Cross-correlation of the beetle's angular velocity ωb and the prey error angular velocity ωe. The correlation is the highest when τ = 0 ms (R2 = 0.395 ± 0.233; n = 34). (c) Quantification for PD-control using the error angle θe and its derivative ωe. The gains for each term in the control law, k1 and k2, were optimized for each value of τ by minimizing the RMS deviation δωb as done previously for the proportional control law. The grey line shows the minimum deviation δωb for the proportional control model. Adding the ωe term does not improve the goodness of fit. (e) The cross-correlation function for the beetle's angular velocity ωb and the prey's angular velocity ωp has its maximum at a time delay of τ = 60 ms (R2 = 0.679 ± 0.224; n = 34). (f) Quantification of models using both the positional error angle θe and the prey's angular velocity ωp. The grey line represents the minimum deviation δωb achieved by the proportional θe control model. Adding a velocity term improves the fit by 11.3%.