Cytochrome oxidase labeling. (A): Analysis of the brain scans labeled with CYO revealed significant between-group differences in optical densitometry measures in the striatum (B). It was also revealed that rats receiving iPSC transplantation at 7 or 21 days had significantly higher optical densitometry measures in the striatum than 3-NP rats that did not receive transplants or 3-NP rats that received iPSC transplantation at 42 days. In addition, analysis of the striosome area revealed significant between-group differences (C). Rats receiving iPSC transplantation at 7 or 21 days had significantly smaller striosome area when compared with 3-NP rats that did not receive transplants or 3-NP rats that received iPSC transplantation at 42 days. Scans from the same sections also revealed significant between-group differences in the area of the lateral ventricles (D). All groups receiving iPSC transplantation had significantly smaller lateral ventricles when compared with 3-NP rats that did not receive transplants. (Bar graph represents mean value; error bars represent SEM; ∗, significantly different from sham rats, p < .05; †, significantly different from 3-NP rats without transplants, p < .05; #, significantly different from 3-NP iPSC 7-day rats, p < .05; ‡, significantly different from 3-NP iPSC 42-day rats, p < .05.) Abbreviations: 3-NP, 3-nitropropionic acid; iPSC, induced pluripotent stem cell; OD, optical density.