Immunohistochemical analysis of transplanted iPSCs (blue), mature neurons (NeuN; green), and medium spiny neurons (Darpp32; red). All transplanted rats displayed surviving iPSCs (blue) around the injection site at the conclusion of the study. However, a significant between-group effect was observed for the average number of surviving iPSCs (A). It was revealed that the 7-day transplantation time point had significantly more surviving iPSCs than the 21- or 42-day transplantation group. Sham rats are shown in (B–E); 7-day iPSC rats are shown in (F–I); 21-day iPSC rats are shown in (J–M); 42-day rats are shown in (N–Q); 3-NP rats that did not receive transplants are shown in (R–U). (Scale bar = 50 μm; colocalization is shown by white arrowheads; bar graph represents mean value; error bars represent SEM; #, significantly different from 3-NP iPSC 7-day rats, p < .05.) Abbreviations: 3-NP, 3-nitropropionic acid; iPSC, induced pluripotent stem cell.