Table 3.
Frequency for each symptom included in the Cox and Swinson Dp/Dr inventory in the three groups participating in the study.
Depersonalization/derealization symptoms | Healthy subjects, n = 18 | Vestibular patients, n = 42 | Vestibular patients without anxiety n = 18 |
Vestibular patients with anxiety n = 24 |
(1) Surrounding seems strange and unreal | 0% | 41%* | 30%* | 50%* |
(2) Time seems to pass very slowly | 20% | 59%* | 45% | 69%* |
(3) Body feels strange/different in some way | 0% | 44%* | 30%* | 54%* |
(4) Feel like you've been here before (déjà vu) | 25% | 41% | 30% | 50% |
(5) Feel as though in a dream | 5% | 22% | 15% | 27%* |
(6) Body feels numb | 5% | 28%* | 10% | 42%∗● |
(7) Feeling of detachment or separation from surroundings | 0% | 26%* | 5% | 42%∗● |
(8) Numbing of emotions | 0% | 30%* | 15%* | 42%∗● |
(9) People and objects seem far away | 10% | 35%* | 30% | 39%* |
(10) Feeling detached or separated from body | 0% | 15%* | 5% | 23%* |
(11) Thoughts seem blurred | 5% | 41%* | 15% | 62%∗● |
(12) Events seem to happen in slow motion | 5% | 26%* | 10% | 39%∗● |
(13) Your emotions seem disconnected from yourself | 0% | 28%* | 5% | 46%∗● |
(14) Feeling of not being in control of self | 5% | 48%* | 30%* | 62%∗● |
(15) People appear strange or unreal | 5% | 30%* | 15% | 42%∗● |
(16) Dizziness | 10% | 87%* | 80%* | 92%* |
(17) Surroundings appear covered with a haze | 10% | 33%* | 20% | 42%* |
(18) Vision is dulled | 5% | 54%* | 50%* | 58%* |
(19) Feel as if walking on shifting ground | 10% | 67%* | 50%* | 81%∗● |
(20) Difficulty understanding what others say to you | 0% | 30%* | 15%* | 42%∗● |
(21) Difficulty focusing attention | 5% | 50%* | 30%* | 65%∗● |
(22) Feel as though in a trance | 5% | 28%* | 15% | 39%∗● |
(23) The distinction between close and distant is blurred | 0% | 28%* | 15%* | 39%∗● |
(24) Difficulty concentrating | 25% | 50%* | 35% | 62%∗● |
(25) Feel as though your personality is different | 0% | 48%* | 30%* | 62%∗● |
(26) Feel confused or bewildered | 5% | 50%* | 20% | 73%∗● |
(27) Feel isolated from the world | 0% | 34.8%* | 10% | 54%∗● |
(28) Feel “spacey” or “spaced out” | 0% | 61%* | 45%* | 73%∗● |
*P < 0.05: significance between healthy subjects and vestibular patients; ● P < 0.05: significance between vestibular patients with and without anxiety (Fisher's exact test).