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. 2014 May 1;8(5):e2837. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002837

Table 2. Validation of the predicted ligand candidates of SjScrib-PDZ1 and SjScrib-PDZ4 in the Y2H system.

Domain Bait GenBank Accession No. Code C-terminus (S. japonicum) Protein Description Y2H#
SjScrib-PDZ1 [E][TS][x][LIF]* AAX25037 SP1-1 RDWLSPETEL* hypothetical protein ×
CAX73718 SP1-2 SRFVNFETPF* Lysosomal protective protein precursor ×
SjScrib-PDZ4 [F][x][LIFV][x][LIVA]* CAX72171 SP4-1 ASNASFPLLL* Cathepsin L ×
AAW27318 SP4-2 TKDDAFILSI* hypothetical protein ×
CAX72944 SP4-3 NSIDLFSLPA* putative TatD DNase domain containing 1 ×
AAX30137 SP4-4 DLGPDFKIIL* hypothetical protein ×
AAP06275 SP4-5 LLMYIFTLVV* putative phosphate transporter ×
CAX75377 SP4-6 FLTSAFAVII* Sorcin ×
AAW25664 SP4-7 EDYIRFTVAI* similar to calpain ×
AAC32040 SP4-8 SIAIKFDVVL* prepro-cathepsin C
AAW25594 SP4-9 FGNFLFYIYL* putative zinc finger protein ×

#: √: positive in the Y2H system; ×: negative in the Y2H system.