An injection of SAG at P0 normalizes cerebellar morphology in adult Ts65Dn mice. a) Representative sagittal images of TsSAG, TsVeh and EuVeh cerebella, ca. 4 months of age. H&E; scale bar is 1 mm. b) Cerebellar (Cb) cross-sectional area is restored to euploid levels in TsSAG mice. Both TsSAG and EuVeh are significantly larger than TsVeh. c) Cerebellar GC density is also restored in TsSAG mice. (b and c, MANOVA for normalized Cb area and GC density, Wilk’s Lambda=0.278, F=0.583, Fisher’s LSD test; TsSAG vs. TsVeh, p=0.02 and TsVeh vs. EuVeh, p=0.002). d) The number of granule cells in the dentate gyrus at P6 was determined using stereology and showed no significant effect of SAG treatment (means indicated by a bar, Fisher’s LSD for pairwise comparisons, TsSAG vs. EuVeh p = 0.03 and for TsVeh vs. EuVeh, p = 0.02).