A. This bar graph represents the distribution of “risk of mortality” score within each age group category. The 4 possible scores are represented by different color bars (1 = black, 2 = gray, 3 = white, and 4 = striped). The x-axis shows the age group and the y-axis shows the percentage of patients with a particular score. For each age category, the 4 different color bars add up to 100%. With increasing age, the distribution of scores is shifted toward higher mortality risk. B. This bar graph represents the distribution of “illness severity” score within each age group category. The 4 possible scores are represented by different color bars (1 = black, 2 = gray, 3 = white, and 4 = striped). The x-axis shows the age group and the y-axis shows the percentage of patients with a particular score. For each age category, the 4 different color bars add up to 100%. With increasing age, the distribution of scores is shifted toward illness severity.