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. 2014 Mar 17;92(5):331–339. doi: 10.2471/BLT.13.129122

Table 1. Characteristics of voucher schemes for maternal health-care services, Cambodia, 2007–2013.

Characteristic Targeted scheme Universal scheme
Population eligible for vouchers The poorest women during pregnancy and after delivery All women during pregnancy and after delivery
Implementation period 2007–2010 2008 to present
Number of operational districts 8 (including 4 that changed to a universal scheme) 18 (including 4 that changed from a targeted scheme)
Benefit package i) Three antenatal care visits, delivery and one postnatal care visit at a contracted health-care facility;
ii) reimbursement of transportation costs for up to five trips between home and the nearest health-care facility, or arranged transportation;
iii) fees for hospital referral covered by a health equity fund.
i) Four antenatal care visits, delivery and one postnatal care visit within 24 hours at a contracted health-care facility;
ii) transportation costs covered in three operational districts;
iii) fees for hospital referral covered only if a health equity fund was operating.
Health-care facility compensation i) The facility was paid according to posted user fees (i.e. US$ 7.50 for each delivery and US$ 0.25 for each antenatal or postnatal care visit);
ii) in a few operational districts only, the facility was paid even if a referral was made to a hospital for delivery.
i) The facility was paid US$ 10 per package of four antenatal care visits, delivery and one postnatal care visit;
ii) the facility was paid even if a referral was made to a hospital for delivery.

US$, United States dollar.

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