Saddle/Sella Angle (SN-Ar) (°) |
ANB (°) |
U1 - SN (°) |
Ant Cranial Base (SN) (mm) |
Facial Plane to AB (AB-NPg) (°) |
U1 - NA (°) |
Post Cranial Base (S-Ar) (mm) |
Facial Plane to SN (SN-NPg) (°) |
U1 - NA (mm) |
Midface Length (Co-A) (mm) |
U1 - FH (°) |
Maxilla |
P-A Face Ht (S-Go/N-Me) (%) |
IMPA (L1-MP) (°) |
SNA (°) |
Y-Axis (N-S-Gn) (°) |
L1 - NB (°) |
Convexity (NA-APg) (°) |
Mx/Md Diff (Co-Gn - Co-ANS) (mm) |
L1 - NB (mm) |
N-A || HP (mm) |
Wits Appraisal (AO-BO) (mm) |
L1 Protrusion (L1-APg) (°) |
A to N Perp (FH) (mm) |
Ant Face Ht (N-Me) (mm) |
L1 Protrusion (L1-APg) (mm) |
Mx Unit Length (Co-ANS) (mm) |
Upper Face Ht (N-ANS) (mm) |
FMIA (L1-FH) (°) |
Lower Face Ht (ANS-Me) (mm) |
Interincisal Angle (U1-L1) (°) |
Mandible |
Nasal Ht (N-ANS/N-Me) (%) |
UADH (U1-PP) (mm) |
SNB (°) |
PFH:AFH (Co-Go/N-Me) (%) |
LADH (L1-MP) (mm) |
Facial Angle (FH-NPg) (°) |
FMA (FH-MP) (°) |
UPDH (U6-PP) (mm) |
Gonial/Jaw Angle (Ar-Go-Me) (°) |
SN - GoGn (°) |
LPDH (L6 - MP) (mm) |
Chin Angle (Id-Pg-MP) (°) |
Occ Plane to SN (°) |
Overjet (mm) |
Ramus Height (Ar-Go) (mm) |
Occ Plane to FH (°) |
Overbite (mm) |
Length of Mn Base (Go-Pg) (mm) |
FH - SN (°) |
Facial Taper (N-Gn-Go) (°) |
Soft Tissue |
Articular Angle (S-Ar-Go) (°) |
Upper Lip to E-Plane (mm) |
N-B || HP (mm) |
Lower Lip to E-Plane (mm) |
N-Pg || HP (mm) |
U Lip to ST N Perp (FH) (mm) |
B to N Perp (FH) (mm) |
L Lip to ST N Perp (FH) (mm) |
Pg to N Perp (FH) (mm) |
ST Pg to ST N Perp (FH) (mm) |
Mn Unit Length (Co-Gn) (mm) |
Pg - NB (mm) |
Post Facial Ht (mm) (Co-Go) |