Fig. 3.
Ectopic RUNX2 expression leads to delayed differentiation and a lactation defect. (A) Whole-mount and histological analysis of MMTV-Runx2 glands (n=11) during late pregnancy (D17 pregnant) reveals a reduction in side-branching and alveolar expansion compared with WT (n=14), and failure to form mature alveolar units during lactation (WT n=13; Runx2 n=11). (B) Ki67 staining of WT and MMTV-Runx2 glands at day 12 (D12) pregnancy (n=4 each), late pregnancy (D17P; n=6 each) and day 1 of lactation (D1; WT n=6; Runx2 n=7). (C) Immunohistochemistry of whey acidic protein (WAP) and RUNX2 on serial sections at day 1 lactation in WT (n=6) and MMTV-Runx2 (n=7) glands illustrates their reciprocal expression pattern. (D) Quantification of Wap mRNA with dramatically less Wap in Runx2 glands at late pregnancy (d17P) and lactation (d1L); data are means ± s.d. normalised to HPRT relative to WT virgin. Whole-mounts, 8× magnification; H&Es, 200× magnification; IHC images, 100× magnification in B and 200× magnification in C.