Gib2 directly interacts with Gpa1 and Gpg2 subunits and with Pde2 through the RAID. A, Gib2 interacts with Gpa1, Gpg1, and Gpg2 in the absence of yeast Ste4. B, schematic representations of C. neoformans PDEs Pde1 and Pde2. Pde2 is 1214 amino acids (aa) long and, similar to Pde4D5, contains a putative RAID between amino acids 280 and 350 (marked by an arrow and enlarged below). Darkly shaded areas indicate identical amino acid residues, and lightly shaded areas show conserved residues. PDEase, phosphodiesterase. C, Gib2 interacts with Pde2 through the putative RAID in a yeast two-hybrid assay. DD indicates dropout medium lacking leucine and tryptophan, and QD indicates dropout medium lacking leucine, tryptophan, histidine, and adenine. 3AT, 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole. 1 mm was used. AD, pGADT7. BD, pGBKT7.