Figure 1.
Micro-structure of mitochondria in skeletal muscle in rhesus monkeys. (A) in the blank control group (×20 000), the mitochondria has normal morphology and structure, and its cristae are tightly and evenly distributed; (B) in AZT 50 mg/kg group (×12 000), compared with A, the mitochondrial cristae disappeared, became swollen, and formed vacuoles. Some outer membrane disappeared, and the structure was severely damaged; (C) in metacavir 120 mg/kg group (×17 000), 3 months after the initial dosing, some mitochondrial cristae was broken, and the density became sparse, while the morphology and size remained unchanged; (D) in metacavir 120 mg/kg recovery phase (×20 000), compared with A, the morphology and structure was normal.