Figure 2.
Printout of a portion of the circuits used for PSpice simulation of 2-dimensional propagation of action potentials in smooth muscle in the 5 × 5 model. The electrical circuits consisted of many repeat units, so only the upper left portion of the 5 × 5 model is illustrated. Doing this allowed the circuit elements and labels to be larger, and therefore more easily resolved by the reader. Ror2 is the transverse resistance of the interstitial space between the chains. Ror is the radial resistance of the Ringer solution bathing the upper chain (A-chain) of the bundle, Rol is the corresponding longitudinal resistance. Ri is the longitudinal intracellular resistance. Rjc is depicted as two parallel pathways, one directed upwards and one downwards. Stimulus (0.5 ms; 0.5 nA) was usually applied at zero time to inside of cell #1 of the upper chain (cell A1), but for some experiments, stimulus was applied to the first cell of the other four chains.