Methods |
RCT: 2 parallel groups. |
Unit of randomization: individual. |
Participants |
Dates of data collection: not specified. |
Setting: Durban, South Africa. |
Inclusion criteria: all patients undergoing CS. |
Exclusion criteria: women with pre-existing UTI. |
Interventions |
Ampicillin 500 mg IM pre-operatively and 8 hourly for 48 hours followed by 500 mg orally 8 hourly for 4 days (N = 150) vs no treatment for first 48 hours then oral placebo 8 hourly for 4 days (N = 150) |
Outcomes |
UTI (culture positive), intra-uterine infection not defined further, classified as endometri-tis), wound infection |
Notes |
Fewer postpartum urinary isolates in treated group were sensitive to ampicillin (8/17 vs 18/26). |
In the control group, 3 women developed pelvic abscesses (included as serious morbidity) and 1 patient required hysterectomy for secondary postpartum haemorrhage following severe E. coli intrauterine infection |
Class of antibiotic: aminopenicillin (ampicillin). |
Subgroups: |
type of CS unclear;
before cord clamping.
Risk of bias |
Item |
Authors’ judgement |
Description |
Adequate sequence generation? |
Unclear |
“on a random basis.” |
Method not described. |
Allocation concealment? |
Unclear |
Insufficient information to judge. |
Blinding? |
Unclear |
Partly placebo controlled: “an oral placebo was given after 48 hours” |
All outcomes |
Insufficient information to judge whether there was blinding of study personnel |
Incomplete outcome data addressed? |
Yes |
No loss of participants to follow up. |
All outcomes |
No participant excluded after randomization. |
ITT analysis. |
Free of selective reporting? |
Unclear |
Insufficient information to judge. |
Free of other bias? |
Unclear |
insufficient information to judge. |
Overall low risk of bias? |
Unclear |
Mostly unclear. |