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. 2010 Jun 28;31(7):874–880. doi: 10.1038/aps.2010.68

Table 3. Distribution of genotypes and alleles in patients with CHD and controls.

ID Gene SNP rs ID (M>m) Function Population Control
Pallele Combined Pallele Bonferroni
MM/Mm/mm MAF MM/Mm/mm MAF
1 iNOS (G>A) rs2297518 Leu608Ser First 382/162/13 0.169 416/138/18 0.151 0.281 0.013 0.091
        Second 346/144/12 0.167 394/98/15 0.126 0.009    
2 nNOS (G>A) rs41279104 promoter First 366/167/24 0.193 414/140/22 0.160 0.041 0.143  
        Second 346/138/18 0.173 343/152/12 0.174 0.988    
3 eNOS (G>T) rs1799983 Glu298Asp First 446/102/9 0.108 461/107/8 0.107 0.946 0.451  
        Second 398/99/5 0.109 419/81/7 0.094 0.268    
4 eNOS (T>C) rs2020744 promoter First 451/96/10 0.104 457/113/6 0.109 0.735 0.881  
        Second 405/95/2 0.099 410/95/2 0.098 0.941    
5 CYBA (C>T) rs1049255 3′-UTR First 188/261/108 0.428 229/264/83 0.373 0.008 0.001 0.007
        Second 175/221/106 0.431 193/235/79 0.388 0.046    
6 CYBA (G>A) rs4673 Try72His First 471/85/1 0.078 492/83/1 0.074 0.698 0.538  
        Second 426/74/2 0.078 436/70/1 0.071 0.567    
7 GCH1 (G>A) rs841 3′-UTR First 267/234/56 0.311 236/253/87 0.373 0.003 <0.001 <0.001
        Second 219/226/57 0.339 194/231/82 0.390 0.018    

M: major allele; m: minor allele; MAF: minor allele frequency; Pallele: significance of minor allele frequency differences determined by χ2 tests, CHD vs control; Combined Pallele from two case-control populations were combined using Mantel-Haenszel test.