VSD configurations from microsecond time scale atomistic
MD simulations.
Top row: the VSD backbone is shown in ribbon representation with the
S1–S3a segments colored orange, the S3b–S4 helix-turn-helix
in purple, and the S4–S5 linker in green. Conserved charged
side chains (shown as filled spheres) are colored by atom type (carbon,
silver; oxygen, red; nitrogen, blue). Upon a change in applied membrane
potential, the motion of the highly conserved basic side chains on
(R1 through K7) on the S4 helix induces conformational changes in
the S3b–S4 helical hairpin. As the basic side chains move within
the membrane electric field, they exchange salt-bridge interactions
with acidic side chains in conserved positions (E1, D2a, D2b, and
E3) as well as two additional acidic side chains in S3b and S1 (unlabeled).
Bottom row: the solvation of the VSD by the membrane environment is
represented as a H bond network between the VSD basic and acidic side
chains (blue and red, respectively), lipid phosphate groups (yellow),
and waters (colored by atom type).