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. 2014 Mar-Apr;89(2):259–265. doi: 10.1590/abd1806-4841.20142569


Sociodemographic profile of the study sample

Sociodemographic variables n %
Male 56 38.6
Female 89 61.4
Total 145 100.0
Age range    
0-10 years 27 18.6
11-20 years 15 10.3
21-30 years 14 9.7
31-40 years 9 6.2
41-50 years 22 15.2
51-60 years 35 24.1
61-80 years 23 15.9
Total 145 100.0
Homemaker 39 26.9
Student 34 23.4
Not reported 17 11.7
Retired 14 9.7
Salesperson 4 2.8
Domestic servant 3 2.1
Driver 3 2.1
Builder 3 2.1
Other 28 19.3
Total 145 100.0