Using Imagestream flow cytometry, infected and uninfected mouse hepatocytes were analyzed by aspect ratio to determine the number of nuclei. Cells were gated into subsets of 2n, 4n, 8n, and 16n or greater. Cells within the 4n and 8n ploidy subsets were analyzed for nuclear number. Nuclearity was confirmed via representative cell images taken from each gate (A). In both 4n and 8n ploidy subsets, the distribution of mononuclear and binuclear cells did not differ between infected and uninfected cells (B). Nuclearity and infection were also analyzed by liver zonation in H&E stained liver slices. Mouse livers show an equal ratio of mononuclear hepatocytes to binuclear hepatocytes between periportal (PP) and perivenous (PV) regions (C). Infected hepatocytes are likewise evenly distributed between periportal, perivenous, and distal (neither PP nor PV) zones of the liver (D).