Confocal orthogonal projections of apoptotic cells, identified by
pyknosis/karyorrhexis, express different cell-type specific biomarkers in
the young adult neurogenic SGZ. Low magnification images of all
immunolabeling data can be found in Fig. S3.
(A) Apoptotic cell expressing nestin-GFP.
(B) Apoptotic cell expressing PSA-NCAM.
(C) Apoptotic cell expressing nestin-GFP and PSA-NCAM.
(D) Apoptotic cell expressing POMC-EGFP but not DCX.
(E) Apoptotic cell expressing Prox1 but not NeuN.
(F) Apoptotic cell expressing PECAM1 but not hGFAP-GFP. A capillary with
PECAM1+ endothelial cell surrounded by hGFAP-GFP+ astrocytic
terminal feet is nearby (arrows).
(G) Apoptotic cell not expressing either MBP or GFAP.
(H) Fraction of SGZ apoptotic cells expressing each of the different
cell-type markers shown above. The majority of the apoptotic cells expresses
markers of cells found in early stages of the neurogenic cascade.
Scale bars: 10μm. ND, non-detectable. Bars represent mean ±
SEM. Arrows, capillary.