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. 2014 Apr 13;2014:640746. doi: 10.1155/2014/640746

Figure 5.

Figure 5

(a) Prostate of normal rats with round acini and intact basement membranes. Arrow points to acini lined by two layers of low cuboidal epithelium. (b) Prostate of testosterone and citral treated castrated rats with atypical prostatic hyperplasia (APH) reveals increase in the number of prostatic acini (hyperplasia) which are placed back to back with no intervening stroma. Thin arrow points to acini lined by tall columnar cells. Thick arrow points to nuclear stratification and stromal projections. (c) Interstitial stroma shows congested blood vessels and inflammatory cells. (d) Thick vertical down arrow points to polymorphonuclear acute inflammatory cells and the thin slanting arrows point to chronic inlammatory cells (lymphocytes). Very thin arrow points to luminal papillary projections, thick long arrow points to nuclear stratification in the acini, and small arrow points to polymorphonuclear acute inflammatory cells in between prostatic acini. (e) Prostate of saw palmeto treated rats showing hyperplastic changes. Thick arrow points to acini lined by tall columnar cells showing nuclear stratification. Thin arrow points to a small focus of polymorphonuclear acute inflammatory cells in stroma. Acinus at the base of the figure shows intraluminal projection (at 60X).