The three scalp maps depict the electrode montage (central ROI highlighted with gray). For each group (Brief Experience, BE; Extended Experience, EE; and Semantic Information, SI), the highlighted electrodes (blue) indicate electrodes at which there were significant differences between conditions (p < .007, FDR) at any time or frequency within the analysis epoch. The epoch spanned from −2000 to +5000 ms (time 0 = start of grasping phase), and frequencies from 8-22 Hz were analyzed. Time-frequency plots and statistical maps are shown for selected electrodes of interest. On these plots, averaged ERSPs from Part 1 and Part 2 are shown, as are the significant differences between the conditions. Cool colors indicate a decrease in power relative to baseline; warm colors indicate an increase in power. On the statistical map, dark red indicates that power was lower during observation of trials in Part 2 than in Part 1.