(A) Cartoon representation of experimental design. (B) Map2 staining (green) showing representative field of views from all four experimental conditions, High-High, High-low, Low-Low and Low-High. (C) Quantification of Map2 positive cells from three HPF lines. Bar graphs represent average number of Map2 positive cells in 20x field with normal neuronal morphology. Counts from each HPF line are based on twenty 20x fields from two replicate wells. The High-Low condition showed significantly (n = 3, P < 0.005) higher counts of Map2+ cells, when compared to the High-High condition. (D) Neurite length was quantified using MetaMorph (Molecular Devices, LLC) software. Analysis was done on three different HPF lines. (Bar scale=20μm) (E) Immunoflurescent staining of pan-neuronal markers TuJ1, DCX, NeuN and NCAM. Cultures stained for TuJ1, DCX and NCAM were not infected with eGFP (Bar scale=50μm)