Increase in LM (A), Myf-5 (B), and myogenin (C) gene expression measured by quantitative PCR over 7 days of androgen treatment in juvenile Xenopus larynges. (A) After normalization of LM mRNA levels to EF-1, a statistically significant increase in LM mRNA expression is detected five (to p < 0.05) and seven (p < 0.01) days after androgen implantation. (B) Myf-5 is rapidly (by 6 h; p < 0.05 after Bonferroni correction) upregulated after androgen implantation and levels are elevated throughout 7 days of treatment. (C) Myogenin is upregulated more slowly in response to androgen treatment; 5 and 7 days values differ significantly from control (0 Days) levels (C, p < 0.05 after Bonferroni correction). Error bars show SEM, *p < 0.05 indicates a statistically significant increase and **p < 0.01 indicates a statistically significant increase when compared with the untreated mRNA level (0 days) after Bonferroni correction. N = 3 for all samples.