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. 2013 Oct 25;2(4):1242–1267. doi: 10.3390/biology2041242

Table 1.

Overview of flagella proteins relevant for the review (a).

Role in/Part of flagellum Protein name/Number of proteins Function
Regulation of flagellar biosynthesis FlhC, FlhD, FlbA Regulators
FliI Export-related ATPase
FliA Flagellar sigma factor
Motility/chemotaxis CheA Smooth swimming
CheB Tumbling
CheW, CheV Chemotaxis
MotA, MotB Rotation of flagellum
Export machinery 9 different proteins Protein export
FlhE Chaperone or plug
Basal body 20 different proteins Cell-wall anchor, rotor, holds export apparatus
FlgJ Muramidase
Hook FlgE Hook
Hook-filament junction FlgK, FlgL Connect filament to hook
Filament FliC (alternative names FljB, FlaA, FlaB) Main structural subunit
FliD Filament cap

(a) Information combined from [2,4,5,6,7]. The designations used are mainly the names in enteric bacteria; for homologs in other species, see [8].