Figure 6. The Fgf8 locus has a ½SPS that is bound and activated by TBX1.
A: Snapshot from the UCSC Genome Browser showing the position of the ½SPS, located 4 kb downstream of the Fgf8 gene. The region is ultraconserved from humans to fugu. B: EMSA for the 40 bp element in the Fgf8 locus harboring the ½SPS motif with GST-TBX1. Lanes with unlabeled competitor is shown. C: The 400 bp element within Fgf8 locus was subjected to luciferase assays in cell culture and was activated in the presence of Tbx1-pCDNA3.1 (5-fold; Students t- test *p<0.002; data are presented as means ±SD; n≥3). D: Whole mount in situ hybridization of Fgf8 antisense mRNA in Tbx1+/+ (left) versus Tbx1 -/- (right) mouse embryos at E10.5. Expression of Tbx1 is reduced in the distal pharyngeal apparatus (arrow), but remains in the rest of the embryo (first pharyngeal arch, head, limb buds, somites).